Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Publishing and catalguing datasets: it's time everyone got involved

Presented by Toby Green from OECD.

Haver overview of OECD & definition of data sets & data access.

From PDF provide links to raw data.

OECD provides raw data via DOI in xls file for researchers to get at raw data. The next steps are to provide access to data cubes/sets of underlying data.

OECD working on building this access on their platform: OECD ilibrary. It is cross-searchable.

The Economist utilizes these data sets regularly but citation is very poor. Other authors also have trouble citing data sets. OPACs also not good at providing data set access.

The data sets become like black sheep that cannot be found. There is some scholarly publishing networks for journals & books that provide hard links to data sets. Not at all perfect & misses lots of sets.

OECD will create a dataset with authorized title; ISSB; DOI & MARC record attached.


Dynamic data sets (they change)
Versioning (recalculations all the time)
Preservation (not happening)

OECD issuing a white paper on Publishing Standards for DataSets

Speaking with CrossRef about citation standards for dynamic objects

Mid2009 will have

MARC records, ONIX records, Citation records

Question about licensing data?

Problem is where/how cited.

Question on how it would be discoverable?

Through these metadata channels would allow for discoverable

Statement: it will be interesting to see if data set discovery will increase fulltext usage. Currently, fulltext only way to get to data so it will be interesting to see.

Being cool with data: starting in 2007--two companies: Swivel & Many Eyes (flickr for data) can tag data, send to blogs, etc.

OECD loaded up Factbook data sets to see what would happen. Traffic has been slow but does allow for visualization tools that are pretty nifty. Thought it could make a good teaching tool. Free tools & encouraged to use.

Creating factbook for iPhone which will be offered for free. Also creating NCVA regional data eXplored. Hunt data using maps & graphs instead of access being just textual. Can then develop stories based on data retrieval. Example showed aging population.

Noted that this product is similiar to gap minder. Direct feed can be set up.

Question does OECD see themselves creating/selling data management platforms? With eXplorer--it will be open-source but other services may be for-fee.

IMF datamapper presented-based on OECD data in part.

www.gapminder.org: can provide trends & gaps occurring-podcasts of data

Newspaper websites gone crazy with data/charts/graphs

Loads of visualization resources being developed.



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